Cracow Grid Workshop 2013 co-organised by VPH-Share partner ACC CYFRONET AGH
September 06, 2013
The Cracow Grid Workshop 2013 taking place on November 4-6, 2013 in Cracow, Poland is co-organised by VPH-Share partner ACC CYFRONET AGH.
CGW'13 will address the following topics:
- e-Science, system-level science and collaborative applications,
- models, methods and tools for collaborative applications development,
- virtual laboratories and problem solving environments,
- distributed computing infrastructures, grids and clouds,
- knowledge in e-Science and DCI systems,
- virtual organizations and security aspects,
- resource management and scheduling,
- monitoring and information management,
- software engineering aspects,
- industrial and social implications.
As a special event, there will be a tutorial on November 3, 2013 with the topic “Could Platform and VPH Applicatons” held by DICE and the VPH-Share team.
Short papers for proceedings may be submitted until September 29, 2013
Early registration is still open until October 11, 2013!
For more information, visit the Workshop’s website.