ICT 2013 on November 6-8, 2013 in Vilnius, Lithuania
More than 4000 researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, industry representatives, young people and politicians will get together in Vilnius for the ICT 2013 – Create, Connect, Grow.
The Vice President of the European Commission, Neelie Kroes and the President of the Republic of Lithuania, Dalia Grybauskaitė will open the conference.
Speakers from across the ICT sector will address a range of issues from cloud computing, broadband, ICT infrastructures, ICT skills, cyber security, long term visions on the future and much more. Experts will present details on how to participate in the next EU's Research Programme - Horizon 2020.
Three thematic plenaries and three parts focusing on different themes of ICT research:
- ICT for Excellent science;
- ICT for Industrial Leadership;
- ICT for Societal challenges.
A special focus wil be on Digital Futures - a journey into 2050's futures and policy challenges.
Registration is still open!
For more information visit the conference’s website http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/ict-2013