Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Brief description and aims of work
The Technical University of Madrid (UPM) is located in the capital of Spain, and was funded in 1971, although the majority of its centres are over hundreds of years old and were founded in the 18th and 19th centuries. UPM has more than 4.000 faculty members, approx. 38.000 undergraduate students and 6.000 postgraduates in 21 schools of study and has a strong commitment to R&D and innovation.The Biomedical Informatics Group (BIG) at the School of Computer Science was established in 1993. Its R&D activities focus on distributed databases, data mining, clinical bioinformatics, guidelines and protocols, artificial intelligence in medicine, and medical image processing. Formal collaborations include foreign institutions such as Harvard University, Georgia Tech, University of Utah and Rutgers University, USA, and research agreements with hospitals and health institutions in Spain. Contracts in biomedical informatics have included the Ministry of Defense in Spain and funding from computer companies (e.g., HP) as well as Spanish software companies. BIG has obtained various awards for excellence in research.
The main role of UPM inside p-medicine is the design and implementation of a software layer for the semantic integration of heterogeneous biomedical resources. Most of UPM’s effort in p-medicine will fall in WP4 (Standardisation, Semantic interoperability and data integration).
Team members
Prof. Dr. Víctor Maojo
UPM group director
Fon +34 913 366 897
Fax +34 913 524 819
Miguel García-Remesal
Fon +34 913 367 441
Fon +34 913 524 819
Alberto Anguita
Technical Manager & Researcher
Fon +34 913 367 467
Fon +34 913 524 819