Work package 3: IT Architecture
Brief description and aims of work
WP3 will focus on the definition of a reference architecture (RA) for subsequent implementation and on the integration of the different modules/services developed by the project. In particular the p-medicine-RA Model will describe the essential elements of SOA-based systems, including its actors, information, processes and relationships between these elements.
The p-medicine‐RA Model will be a conceptual model; hence it will be technology neutral and business-scale independent. The RA specification will, thus, provide software architecture design patterns to effectively guide and support the construction of coherent, consistent and interoperable SOA‐based systems and services. Particular emphasis will be given to the definition of appropriate interfaces among the modules to enable interoperability.
As part of the work in WP3, relevant existing standards with impact on the system will be identified, analysed, and selected. Planned activities involve monitoring of standards development, critical review and assessment of their applicability in the p-medicine framework, and refining such standards based on domain‐specific requirements. For this purpose annual dedicated scientific workshops are to be held (either internally to the project, or in the context of relevant international scientific events), with the participation of key international experts in respective domains.
Special emphasis will be devoted to the study and analysis of security related issues in dynamic collaborative environments, which includes electronic consent management (eConsent).
The Specification Process of our Reference Architecture leverages processes used in standardization bodies such as OASIS, W3C, or OMG. We foresee an open consultation process, which will allow the project to leverage the best‐of‐breed architectures and technologies, thereby enhancing the quality and applicability of the overall architecture. WP3 will also be responsible for managing such an open process, i.e. seeking the active involvement of external parties to be used for the construction of the p-medicine Reference Architecture.
Work package leader
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas
N Plastira Street 15
70013 Heraklion/Greece